Anthony Davidson

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Customer Experience

Focus customer experience initiatives

While customer experience remains a top business priority, many CX initiatives continue to fail because of poor design and process. MBA students had the opportunity to learn and experience the Human-Centered Design approach to CX with expert Bartley Hassell from 3RD View Consulting. Bart was kind enough to share the methodologies developed by 3rd View to help organisations focus CX initiatives to ensure that problems are properly defined, projects have full buy-in and endorsement of leaders, and stakeholders are effectively engaged. At the heart of these methodologies is a commitment to understand complex human systems and find solutions that improve the human experience – whether it is from a customer or employee perspective. Many CX initiatives fail because they are too broad or too focused on quick fixes. Taking the time to properly understand and define the real problem to be addressed is the starting point. Ideation can then be used explore a range of possible solutions for prototyping and testing to determine the optimal solution for enhancing customer experience. So design is critical but so is process. As we found out through a live demo facilitated by Bart, customer journey mapping can be a powerful tool for understanding and learning, as well as disrupting. Thanks for a memorable experience Bart. Great session! #CX #HCD #3RDVIEW

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Customer Experience

Marketing Professional Services

My colleague James Rimmer has some great insights on marketing in professional service firms, in particular the need to balance internal and external marketing efforts.  James has led marketing teams in both local and international law firms and has seen how marketing can play both a strategic and tactical role in developing clients, identifying new growth opportunities and optimizing the client experience.  As Director of Marketing and Business Development at Cooper Grace Ward, he works closely with the firm’s partners to guide the firms’ strategic direction, develop marketing strategies to grow new sectors, segments and revenue streams, and provide tactical support for practice areas to attract new clients and improve existing client relationship management. With 200 staff, it’s a juggling act that requires effective engagement with law firm partners and legal teams to prioritise where to focus marketing efforts to gain the best impact. James emphasized that internal marketing is just as important as the firm’s external marketing activities to get alignment and consistency with how clients experience the CGW brand. My MBA cohort had lots of questions for James, ranging from how technology is changing and disrupting law firm services through to how data is being used to personalise the client experience.  #marketing #professionalservices

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Brand and Customer Experience

Unless you properly translate brand strategy into customer experience initiatives, you’ll waste time and effort with little to show for your investments. Although customer experience has been a top priority since 2015, the reality is that many businesses are still early stage in their understanding of what is required.   Here’s the challenge. Customers are different. Customers needs and preferences change. Customers have different journeys. And customers experience things differently. So how do you manage this as a business. Some customer touch points you control. Others are owned by partners who you can influence. Others you don’t control and cannot influence. Where do you start? Think of customer experience as the translation of your brand strategy into a series of interactions that build awareness, preference and loyalty towards your brand.  Your brand essence provides the starting point for how you engage customers and cocreate meaning about your brand. But given customers are different and take different journeys, you have to be flexible and agile in how you manage touch points owned by you and your partners.  Having dedicated resources to manage different journey stages enables customization and personalization, especially if it is technology or AI enabled. #marketing #brandstrategy #customerexperience # touchpoints

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