Anthony Davidson

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Emotional advertising

In 2014, Ogilvy and Maher created this classic “Unsung Hero” ad for insurance company Thai Life. It shows a young man performing random acts of kindness including donating money when others disapprove. In Asia, “tearjerker” ads are widely used because people are more likely to share them widely on socials – rather than just tag friends or groups. By appealing to basic human emotions, people also view the ads as a good cause and worth promoting. While emotional appeals are effective in gaining attention, consumers can often miss the connection to the brand depending on the creative execution. In the Unsung Hero ad, a “slice of life” execution is used to create a powerful story that draws us into the life of a young man who ends up helping a little girl who is living on the street to achieve an education. The idea behind the story is to “believe in good” and to make that association with the Thai Life insurance brand. But are thoughts and feelings toward the ad actually transferred to the brand? And do these thoughts and feelings create preference for the brand? Or is it just more entertainment to share? #marketing #advertising #branding #kindness

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