Anthony Davidson

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Better Business Accelerator

Better Business Accelerator

The Better Business Accelerator program is designed to help you build a more valuable business, identify opportunities for growth and innovation, and develop a roadmap and engagement plan to achieve it. What are the benefits for business owners? First, you get clarity about why you are in business, what you are trying to achieve, and how you can make your business more valuable. Second, you get the opportunity to learn from experts about how to improve your business and innovate your business model. Finally, you get to hear the experiences of other business owners who become your support network going forward. This program is a great way to get clarity, confidence and connections. Just two days every month for three months – to take your business to the next level. Better Business Accelerator program structure The first two-day retreat focuses on how to create a more valuable business: Learn how to increase business value Assess current state of your business Clarify your purpose, vision and goals The second retreat help you identify opportunities to improve, innovate and grow. Identify immediate improvement areas Generate and assess new opportunities Prioritise future business investments In the final retreat, you develop a business roadmap and engagement plan to make it happen. Finalise objectives and key result areas Develop initiatives to achieve objectives Engage stakeholders to deliver the plan Between each retreat, you undertake six practical tasks to analyse and improve business performance, and give feedback on your success. As part of the Accelerator, you get to meet other business owners and managers, learn from their experiences, and provide advice and support to each other. Once the program is over, you continue to support each other through a dedicated online forum. You also have access to monthly mentoring, quarterly reviews, and further Accelerator Extension programs. To find out more, simply click this link #business #accelerator #businessowner #anthonydavidson #betterbusiness #businessgrowth #businesscourse #businessprogram #businessbuilding

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